Infertility, Racial Inequity, and Redefining Success With Candace Clark Trincieri

On this Joespeak! Podcast, Candace Clark Trincieri joins us, talking about her new book, “Dream Redefined: The Struggle and Success Through Infertility as a Woman of Color.” Candace talks transparently about her own infertility story, which starts many years before trying to have kids–with a diagnosis of Endometriosis as a young adult after years of symptoms. The daughter of parents active in the civil rights movement, and the granddaughter of one of first black mayors of a major southern city, Candace talks about finding her multigenerational activist voice providing the unique (and forgotten) perspective of women of color through infertility diagnosis and treatment. Now an ambassador for RESOLVE – The National Infertility Association, Candace talks about the stereotypes and stigmas that surround this issue, which both assume the fertility of black women and treat the infertility of white women with more sensitivity (and resources).

She reminds that the already existing racial inequities of our health care system do not disappear, but intensify, when dealing with infertility issues, and discusses policies that would improve the situation. In sum, Candace gives us a window into a complex issue through her compelling story of finding peace in the midst of long personal storm.


  • Attorney at Law
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  • Media Appearances